Family Law

The Law firm based in Bangalore and Mysore Karnataka, State , India deals with the following matters related to Family law.

Maintenance , Child Custody, Divorce,Guardianship and Adoption,Cruelty and Dowry Harassment, Prenuptial agreements, Divorce by Mutual Consent , Divorce contesting , Restution of Conjugal Rights, Judicial Separation , Family law, special marriage act,hindu marriage act,christian marriage act , divorce act , muslim law, matrimonial and family cases, marriage and registration ,divorce , dissolution of christian, muslim and foreign marriages , cases of guardians and ward act, hindu adoption and mainteance act, matters relating to special marriage act, 1954, foreign marriages act, 1954, succession act,1925,hindu marriage act, 1955, hindu adoption and maintenance act,1956, christian marriages act,1872, marriage validation act,1892, muslim women (protection of rights on divorce ) act, 1986, dowry prohibition act,1961, child marriage restraint act,1929, divorce act,1869.